Friday, June 5, 2009

My Husband Rocks

O.k. Here is the story about the cake issues (that I mentioned in one of the earlier party posts).

I had made the cakes a head of time (they have to cool before you can ice and decorate them), plus we had such a busy schedule (there was a lot going on that weekend) I had to do what I could do when I could do it. After the cakes cooled, Frank put the first layer of icing on the cakes for me. We had to let it set up a little before decorating.

Well I had 4 haircuts that morning (I know, I know, I had way too much to do to prepare for the party and we had Cub Scouts Crossover Ceremony that afternoon, but I just can't say 'no,' especially when I had a couple of them come from Nashville to get their haircut).

Frank was outside mowing and weedeating getting ready for the party the next day and I was downstairs in the Salon cutting hair. I got finished at the last minute and had just enough time to change clothes before leaving for the Crossover Ceremony. I ran upstairs changed clothes and went into the kitchen to find Rance sitting onthe counter eating cake!!!!!! I just froze.

Frank said "Don't get mad, he [Rance] just got up there. Anthony did it first and Anthony said he was really sorry and he didn't mind if his birthday cake had extra icing on it to fill in the holes." [This should have been a Kodak moment, but I was so exhausted and totally in shock that I didn't even think of my camera until much, much later.]

I probably would have cried, but there wasn't enough time. Mari, a very good friend of mine, was taking all 4 of the boys home with her after the Crossover so I could do last minute stuff (she actually kept 3 of them all night - which helped tremendously). I planned on having my house clean before Crossover and concentrating on the cakes after (well, that didn't work).

I still had quite a bit of cleaning to do and decorate the cakes, plus somehow fix them before deocrating them, there was no way there was enough time to bake 2 more cakes and let them cool, and frost them and let them set and deocrate them (unless I stayed up all night and still not sure there was enough time).

We went to Crossover, Frank took the boys to Mari's house while I ran to the store and picked up a couple of last minute items, came home and I started cleaning (avoiding the cakes). I did everything that needed to be done (except sweep and mop the floors I would do that Sunday morning before church - to avoid any spills and anything like that). It was after 9:00 p.m. and I still hadn't started the cakes (not sure where to start I was still avoiding them or just plain dreading it).

Frank was so sweet. He had repaired the holes while I was picking up last minute items. So there really wasn't that much to do except deocorate, but I was just so disgusted with what happened I couldn't get in the mood (but they had to be done).

Frank said, "Tell me how you want it decorated."

I said, "Really?"

Frank, "Sure."

So, Frank decorated the cakes for me. Really. I took cake decorating class, but he decorated the cakes for me. I did the names on the cakes and trim on Anthony's cake. That's all I did. Honestly. I can't take credit for the cakes.

Isn't he awesome????????? How does your husband rock? Don't forget to click on the MHRF button in my right side bar to check out how other husbands are rocking.

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