When I was worried that I had only lost 1 pound in a week, he said "It's better than gaining a pound. See there, you're already 2 pounds to the good."
When I casually mentioned that I'd like to see him in a gotee (he doesn't usually have facial hair, other than the occasional 5 o'clock shadow - which is ruggedly handsome), he shaved everything that very day except for the gotee part. (He has such irresistible dimples, that I wouldn't want them covered up with facial hair, but a gotee wouldn't hide them would it?) Check out those dimples...
When I asked him to read a couple of chapters in a marriage help book (no we are not having trouble, but I enjoy reading and I want to keep things as good as they are) to explain to him how I felt (the book said it better than I could), he read them (he HATES to read) and then actually started doing some of the suggestions in the book.
I am so blessed. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me.
I have a suggestion. The Pioneer Woman has taken how she met and fell in love with her husband and turned it into an online novel (you can read it here). I think that is so cool. My suggestion is for you to take 'Your Story' and write it down. No it doesn't have to be online, it doesn't even have to be a novel, but write it down somewhere.
You may think that it isn't interesting or that no one will care, but I promise you that someone will think it interesting (your children or grandchildren) and they will care. I would love to know how my grandparents or great-grandparents met. I know the story of my parents (I should write that down for my kids), but that's it. Write your story in a little journal, on line, in just a simple notebook, in a word document on the computer, but write it down...for posterity's sake. I think I will.
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