Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Join Me

I have started reading Proverbs. That is my favorite book in the bible (there is so much wisdom there). There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and I started on the 1st of this month, so I will read a chapter a day (it's not too late - so jump right in and join me).

I am also doing 31 Days of Praying for your husband, check it out here. Katy Lin at The Great Adventure is also doing the 31 Days of Praying for your husband (I just started late so I started on the 1st day of August).

I am also joining Deb at One Single Minute and reading 'Created to be his Help Meet.'

I feel that I have a wonderful marriage, but Satan doesn't sleep so I want to pray for my husband, my marriage and my family (they are my most prized earthly possesions). [Even a wonderful marriage can get better.] My husband is my life partner. Every thing about him affects me in some way or another. I pray for him daily, but there are times that I pray for him more diligently than others (the same goes for my kids). This month I will be concentrating on my husband.

I have read in the past 'Power of a Praying Wife' by Stormie O'Martian. That is an excellent read if you haven't read it (I highly recommend it).

Jesus states in Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

If God wants us to pray for those that do evil against us, how much more should we pray for those that love us?

Read my post about making our husbands a priority here.


Amanda from Faith, Food and Family said...

Great post! I need to get better about staying in the Bible. We definitely should be praying for our husbands and families diligently. I really like the 31 days of prayer for your husband.
Hope you're having a great day!
God bless,

Deb said...

Thank you for being ready to fight for what God has blessed you with!! Like you, I have purposed in my heart that satan is not going to take my family while there is breath in my body...

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