For the birthday party this past weekend, Anthony said he wanted a Spongebob cake. I asked Champ what he wanted (I usually do 2 cakes, one for each of them) and he said whatever Anthony wanted.
Frank helped. He's really good about that. He helps with most of my cakes. (I took lessons, but he's a natural.)
Can you see the picture (that I printed off of Google Images of Spongebob) above the cake? That was what I was trying to model him after. I used pretzel rods for the arms and legs (to give them a 3D look). I used a cupcake, cut the top off and then cut it in half, turned it upside down and those became his pant legs. I took another cupcake and cut it in half and used those for the shoes. The shoes don't look quite like I wanted them too, but maybe next time. I just used a plain 8" square pan for Spongebob. (I really don't like the character pans, you are really limited by them.)
So I just had to do one cake this year. That's nice, but
just immediate family (Frank comes from a large family) we had about 30 people here (just with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Parents and Siblings). So I was afraid that 1 cake wouldn't be enough.
I had been wanting to try the rainbow cupcakes that I have seen all over the blogoshpere. So this was my chance and I took it. I was pleased with how they turned out (messy to make, but turned out good).
(I forgot to get a picture of the different colored batter, but here are the empty bowls. Don't you just want to lick them? Me too, but I didn't.)
Here is the batter (red, green, blue, yellow) in freezer zip-loc bags (just cut the tip off, very small cut - don't cut the hole too big).
Here they are in the muffin cups (I forgot to take a pic before I put them in the oven, don't look at my dirty oven - hey, I caught you).
Here they are right out of the oven.
Here they are frosted. Lee liked how the paper cupcake liner looked tie-dyed when he took it off.
You can do so much with the 'rainbow cupcake,' the possibilities are endless (think holidays: red, white & blue, red & green; think schools/sports teams: purple & gold, black & gold, red & blue; do you see where I am going?).
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