Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway!

UPDATE:  Give away is now closed!

MOMumental:  Adventures in the Messy Art of Raising a Family by Jennifer Grant was a book that I had zero expectations of because I knew nothing about the book or the author (that makes me a little nervous - who wants to put valuable time into reading a book just to find out that that time was wasted?).  I was not disappointed at all.  It is an excellent book!  I love the whole book, from the cover to the prayer on the last page (and everything in between).  I had an extremely hard time putting the book down most of the time (I carried it with me everywhere) and at other times, I would pause and meditate over what I had just read - I needed time to absorb it.

Jennifer gives you glimpses into her life and the lives of others.   REAL life - you know...the good, the bad and the ugly (which all families have and seem to try to hide from those on the outside).   While I was reading the book, I felt like it was a letter from a friend.  I could feel her emotions - being a mother I could share her emotions. She shares practical advise on raising a child and how to be a good mother.  Jennifer has cute, funny, and serious MOMumental moments!

I highly recommend this books to mothers that are currently raising children  (of all ages).

You can read a sample chapter here.

About the Author:  Jennifer Grant is mother to four children and author of Love You More: The Divine
Surprise of Adopting My Daughter (2011). For more than a decade she wrote for papers in
the Sun-Times newsgroup. Currently she freelances for the Chicago Tribune and is a
regular contributor to hermeneutics, Christianity Today magazine's blog for women. Grant
is a Wheaton College graduate who received her master's in English and Creative Writing
from Southern Methodist University. She lives outside of Chicago, IL.

Well, I am lucky enough and excited to have a copy of the book to share with you (I only wish I had enough to give one to every mother I know).  You can enter a drawing for your chance to win a copy of the book by telling me about one of your own MOMumental moments.  You have until midnight CST Friday, May 18th to enter.

Stay tuned, tomorrow I will have a guest post from Jennifer herself.


mary said...

I have momumental moments every day! There is something new my kids teach me every day! Sounds like a great book!!!

keri said...

An excellent review. I’ve read this book too and I agree, I love Jennifer Grant’s honest, conversational style. Reading it felt like listening to a good friend, who gave me permission to not only embrace the chaos of motherhood but also to be intentional about the things that really matter. What a great book. I also love Jennifer's blog at http://jennifergrant.com

mary said...

Sounds like an awesome book!

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