But I do make an occasional ruffle and here is how I do it...
I get a length of fabric (1 1/2 to 2 times as long as what I will be sewing it to). Hem one long side. The long side that isn't hemmed I do a basting stitch about 5/8" away from the raw edge.
I then do another basting stitch right next to the first one, this one I sew 1/4" away from the raw edge.
Then I separate the bobbin threads from the top threads and begin to pull the bobbin threads (both at the same time).
It will cause the fabric to scrunch up or ruffle.
I continue sliding the fabric down the bobbin thread (or pulling the bobbin thread) until all the fabric is scrunched up.
I then lay it next to what I plan on sewing to. I gently pull out the ruffle I just made so they are the same width and begin to evenly space the ruffles.
When I sew it onto my item (diaper edge, bottom of a dress, skirt, or top, bottom of pant legs, etc.), I sew it between the 2 basting stitches. (After ruffle is secured onto item, remove basting stitches.)
There's how you make a ruffle. Now, go make lots and attach them to everything and then send me your pictures (or link to them in the comments section). By the way, did you know I love comments? I do, I do, I really, really do.
You are my hero!!! Would you ever consider sewing classes?
I would love to do a sewing class. You just say when.
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